Premarital Counseling 

Setting your marriage up for success! 

If you are reading this page you must be engaged? Congratulations! Deciding to get married is one of the biggest decisions of your life. Wouldn't it be great to start your marriage off right? Whether you are happy and just want to do some preventative work, or if you are stuck in a rut, premarital counseling will help you discover the areas that you and your fiancé are already good at, as well as the areas that could use some improvement. Premarital counseling will help prepare you for your new life together as a married couple. 

What will you get out of premarital counseling? 

  • You will receive a customized couple assessment from Prepare/Enrich.

  • Prepare/Enrich measures 10 different areas: communication, conflict resolution, partner style & habits, financial management, leisure activities, sexual expectations, family & friends, relationship roles, spiritual beliefs, and parenting/blended families (if applicable). You will learn more about your relationship strengths & growth areas in each category.

  • You will learn skills to enhancing your communication & conflict resolution.

  • Gain insight around sex, finances & each others' family of origin.

  • Learn additional information including (optional) Enneagram Assessment, your future goals, long term dreams & wishes.

Some questions you might be asking yourself:  

Do we really need premarital counseling? 

Yes, you do! Premarital counseling will help you prepare you for your new life together as a married couple. The reality is; the divorce rate is around 50% for first marriages and 60% for second marriages. These statistics tell us that being in a marriage is not always easy. It takes a lot of hard work to keep a marriage going strong! At some point in your marriage, issues will come up, and possibly issues that you would least expect.  Premarital counseling will help you set the stage for a successful marriage.

Are we going to need premarital counseling if we already live together?  

Again, yes! Do you know that statistics actually show the divorce rate is higher for couples who live together before getting married. You might be thinking but we're different, divorce isn't going to happen to us, or we already know everything there is about each other, what more could we possibly need to know? Marriage is a transition in your relationship, things will change and feel different. Let premarital counseling help you develop the tools and skills you will need to keep your marriage going strong. 

We are already paying for so much with the wedding; how much is this going to cost? 

You can choose one of the packages below. Generally, premarital counseling is not covered by insurance however, you may use an HSA or Flex Spending account to pay.

The Basics Package: $557

  • 3 counseling hours*

  • Topics include: communication, conflict resolution & future goals

  • Option to purchase a customized couples assessment for an additional $50

Getting Started Package: $927

  • 5 counseling hours*

  • Customized relationship profile (focusing on communication, conflict resolution, personality profile, and future goals)

  • Couples Workbook

  • Qualify for a discounted marriage license in MN

Laying The Foundation Package: $1,297

  • 7 counseling hours*

  • Customized relationship profile (focusing on communication, conflict resolution, sex, money, family, personality profile & future goals)

  • Couples Workbook

  • Qualify for a discounted marriage license in MN

*Counseling hours can be broken up into weekly, biweekly or monthly 1 hour or 1.5 hour sessions